Online Booking Instructions

1. Select a Service  
View Full Price List
Piano Tuning $180 Time Needed: 1-2 hours
Recommended For Pianos tuned within the last 12 months
Piano Tuning + Pitch Adjustment $270 Time Needed: 1.5-2.5 hours
Recommended For Pianos tuned more than 12 months ago

2. Choose a Date & Time
3. Enter Your Contact Information
double-check before submitting

4. Submit Your Booking
allow up to 30 seconds for the booking to submit

5. Check Your Email
If no auto-confirmation email is received, check spam folder, confirm spelling, resubmit, or call 403-254-9544

“There are eighty-eight keys on a piano
and within that, an entire universe.”

—James Rhodes

“There are eighty-eight
keys on a piano,
and within that, an entire universe.”

—James Rhodes